In just 2.5 weeks I turn 40.  As I enter a new decade one of the areas where I’m working on being more intentional is in my daily reflection.  The older I get the greater level of accountability I feel to steward my time wisely.  No matter your age we all have a finite number of “todays” that we get to experience. 

One of my favorite poems, “The Lifebuilder’s Creed” by Dale Witherington, reminds me of the importance of each day.  In part, it says:

Today is the most important day of my life.
Yesterday with its successes and victories, struggles and failures
is gone forever.
The past is past.
I cannot relive it.  I cannot go back and change it.
But I will learn from it and improve my Today.
Today, This moment.  NOW.
It is God’s gift to me and it is all that I have.
Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn’t here yet.
Indeed, tomorrow may never come.
Therefore, I will not worry about tomorrow.
Today is what God has entrusted to me.
It is all that I have.  I will do my best in it.
I will demonstrate the best of me in it—
my character, giftedness, and abilities—
to my family and friends, clients and associates.
I will identify those things that are most important
To do Today,
and those things I will do until they are done.
And when this day is done
I will look back with satisfaction at that
Which I have accomplished.
Then, and only then, will I plan my tomorrow,
Looking to improve upon Today, with God’s help.
Then I shall go to sleep in peace…content.

As I reflect on this poem, these are the questions that I ask myself:

• What have I learned today?
• Did I accomplish what was most important today?
• Did I give my best today?
• Have I been a good steward of the gift of today that God has given to me?

Following is an excerpt from my life plan and my personal vision for the important aspects of my life:

  • Spiritual – Seek daily to live as a fully devoted follower of Christ
  • Marriage – Translate my unconditional love for my wife into irrepressible actions that fulfill her “love languages”
  • Children – Love and honor my children and do my best to raise them so that they become thriving adults and lifelong friends
  • Ministry – Use my spiritual gifts and abilities to impact others and be a catalyst in other’s spiritual growth
  • Relationships – Build healthy relationships with others for the purpose of sharpening and encouraging each other
  • Career – Give my absolute best, be a leader worth following and seek to impact the lives of others
  • Personal Growth – Seek to grow daily as a person and be committed to life-long learning
  • Recreation – Live deliberately and fully enjoy each moment of life so that when I die I will have squeezed the most possible out of life and have no regrets
  • Finance – Be a great steward and invest and give with incredible wisdom and generosity

I’ve learned that the only way that I’ll be able to fulfill the above vision for my life is to be incredibly focused on maximizing each day.  So, are you maximizing each “today” that you have?

I’d love to hear about how you are maximizing each day. Share with us below or on Facebook or Twitter. I look forward to hearing your best practices and learning from you.

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