Posts by Mark Cole
Mark Cole: The Value of Listening
Listening is one of the most valuable tools a leader has in his or her tool belt. Unfortunately, the busier we are and the higher we climb in the organization, the more difficult it becomes to listen. I love Ralph Waldo Emerson’s attitude, “Every man I meet is in some way my superior, and I…
Read MoreMark Cole: Four Characteristics of a Healthy Culture
Yesterday, October 10th, was World Mental Health Day. In honor of this day, John and I decided to write about mental health this week. If you missed John’s blog post earlier in the week, I want to encourage you to go back and read it as well. Just to echo John before we go too…
Read MoreMark Cole: Do You Believe?
I’ve given my life to developing leaders around the world because I am convinced that all people have potential. And in order to reach that potential there’s one thing everybody needs that we can all give: belief. Here’s what I know to be true: if you believe in yourself, you can reach your potential and…
Read MoreMark Cole: Focus!
How we think is very important. As John Maxwell says, “Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.” I agree with him. Great leaders are disciplined in staying focused in their thinking. On this week’s episode of the John Maxwell Leadership Podcast,…
Read MoreMark Cole: Life: One Long Gift
John Maxwell and I recently experienced one of the most challenging trips we have ever been on: 17 days 6 countries 96 hours on planes or in airports 59 hours in the air 37 hours waiting to get in the air. 19 airports To say it was tiring would be a huge understatement. As we…
Read MoreMark Cole: Delegation
It’s 8:00pm on Friday night after a long week and you are the only one at the office. You were hoping to get home and take your wife out on an impromptu dinner date, but there was just way too much to get done before the weekend. Yes, you know you’re doing too much. And…
Read MoreMark Cole: More Production. More Results.
I’ve never met a leader uninterested in learning how to accomplish more results. On the other hand, I’ve met plenty of leaders who lack the discipline it takes to get there. Let me start with the good news: You can increase your capacity for production. Sure, talent and natural ability are important, but anyone can…
Read MoreMark Cole: Curiosity Killed the Cat but Grew the Leader
The most successful leaders are committed to lifelong learning, growth and development. And the ones who are successful in doing so all have something in common: curiosity. Here’s why: knowledge, understanding and wisdom will not seek you out. You have to go after growth. And the best way to do that is to be curious.…
Read MoreMark Cole: Deciding Isn’t Enough
Success is not sometimes in the actualization phase; it’s always in the actualization phase. The longer I lead, the more I understand this to be true. John Maxwell shares a story about a lesson he learned from his dad as a kid. Melvin said to John, “Five frogs were sitting on a log and four…
Read MoreMark Cole: It’s Simple, But It Works!
Compliment people in front of people. John Maxwell gave me this advice a long time ago. But what he didn’t realize was he gave me this advice through his actions long before he gave it to me through his words. Complimenting people publicly, especially those that are on his team, is second nature to John.…
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