Letting Gratitude Enrich Your Life
The surest index of your spiritual and emotional well-being is the degree of gratitude in your life. Where does gratitude come from, and how can we grow in gratefulness? Grateful people linger over life’s blessings The English word “thank” shares the same root as “think.” Thankfulness is intimately connected to thoughtfulness. We can’t be grateful…
Read MoreQuestion the Answers to Answer the Questions
This week, John and I were at the SUCCESS Partners CEO Summit in Laguna Beach, California. John was discussing his new book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions. What a great book for leaders desiring to increase their influence! After sharing for 45 minutes, he went into a Q & A session. Some of my favorite…
Read MoreA Leader’s Bucket List
In 2007, The Bucket List starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman popularized the idea of writing down your life dreams—things you aspire to do before you “kick the bucket”—and finding a way to make them happen. This lesson introduces a different sort of “bucket list,” one that’s intended to help you gain wisdom rather than…
Read MoreAsking for Change
People rarely do things for your reasons. They are motivated by their own hopes, aims, and aspirations. A leader’s goal is not to sell her vision to the team, expecting them to buy into something external to them. Rather, the responsibility of the leader is to show how her vision connects with the needs and…
Read MoreHow Would You Work With A Difficult Leader Who Doesn’t Like You?
From Good Leaders Ask Great Questions It’s difficult to work with someone you think doesn’t like you, especially when it’s your leader. Most people don’t respond to it well. They often do one of the following: Hide from the person: Many people go into avoidance mode. The good news is that there isn’t direct conflict.…
Read MoreHow Can You Be A Leader Right Where You Are, Even If You’re At The Bottom?
from Good Leaders Ask Great Questions I often hear this question from younger aspiring leaders. They want to apply my teaching to their current situation, but they don’t know how. The good news is that you can be a leader no matter where you are. You don’t need a title. You don’t need a position.…
Read MoreThe number one reason why we don’t ask enough questions
Early in my career I didn’t ask many questions. I mistakenly believed that as a leader I should know the answers to everyone else’s questions. As a result, I adopted the ridiculous attitude of “fake it ’til you make it.” Unfortunately, that caused me to do a lot of faking but very little making. The…
Read MoreYou Only Get Answers to the Questions You Ask
When I first began teaching leadership, I spent nearly all my time giving lectures. Today, at almost every speaking gig, people want time to ask me questions about leadership, which I welcome. Not only do I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned, but answering questions also gives me an opportunity to speak from my heart. As…
Read MoreOn Leading Leaders
Awhile back, I was doing a question and answer session for members of my John Maxwell Team of certified coaches. And I got a great question from a gentleman named Billy. He asked a question that’s becoming more and more common: How do you gather and lead a leadership team? A generation ago, people asked…
Read MoreThe Lawyer Who Didn’t Lie
A busload of lawyers careened off a mountain road and tumbled over a cliff. The bus was destroyed and there were no survivors. Tragically, the bus was only half full. Though there are a number of wonderful attorneys, as the joke above indicates, members of the legal profession are often subjected to a negative stereotype.…
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