There was a popular song in the 90’s called “I Believe I Can Fly.” The song has made its way around the world, inspiring millions of people to believe in themselves. It’s of a similar theme to the old saying you’ve probably heard many times from a parent, mentor, or teacher: “If you believe it,…

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I’ve given my life to developing leaders around the world because I am convinced that all people have potential. And in order to reach that potential there’s one thing everybody needs that we can all give: belief. Here’s what I know to be true: if you believe in yourself, you can reach your potential and…

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When motivational speakers make the impassioned declaration: “You can change the world!” a typical response may be to write them off as naïve windbags.We would agree that such exhortation rings hollow. Nevertheless, we do think leaders have the ability to inspire others to amazing, even history-shaping, feats. Perhaps no one did so better than Winston…

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