Growth is a lifetime process and a daily decision. It doesn’t happen automatically; you have to be intentional about growing every single day. I love Charlie Brown, but he was misguided when he said, “I think I’ve discovered the secret of life—you just hang around until you get used to it.” The only way that…

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Over the past few weeks, as my work has carried me everywhere from Peru to Paraguay to a weekend away with Margaret to celebrate 50 years of marriage, I’ve been reflecting on my personal journey of improvement. It’s no secret that I believe growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. It’s no…

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Last week on the John Maxwell Leadership Podcast, I asked John how he stays fresh and remains excited while doing things he’s already done. This is a question I consider a lot when it comes to John and his career. Think about it: after 106 books and 31 million copies sold, after traveling the world…

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Habits. This is the time of year when we all seem to be examining our habits. What habits do we want to eliminate for the new year? Smoking? Overeating? Angry outbursts? And what habits would we like to establish? Regular exercise? Flossing? Prayer? How do we want our days to look in 2015? Now is…

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