Dear friend— Three weeks ago, I shared some thoughts on using the end of the year as a time for reflection. I challenged you to think about what you choose to reflect on and encouraged you to think more about the positive things that happened in your life this year. I was originally going to…

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What will you remember about 2019? As the last days of this year trickle by and your thoughts turn towards presents and parties and preparations for 2020, I wonder what your memories of this year will be. What will spring to mind when you think back over the year’s-worth of days you’ve lived? I ask…

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At 71 years old, I don’t need many gifts at Christmas. I have a good home, a good family, a good team, and my life has never been more fulfilling than it is right now. The opportunities I’m seeing for partnerships and transformation are greater now than at any other time in my life. Now,…

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