At The John Maxwell Company we are constantly striving to develop world-class tools and resources that will help our clients develop themselves and others as leaders.  Critical in the development of any leader is receiving 360° feedback.  In evaluating our products and services, we knew that a way we could serve our customers was to develop a 360° assessment tool that measured a leader’s effectiveness based on the leadership principles taught by John Maxwell.

Once we made the decision to develop a 360° assessment we knew that we needed an expert partner that specialized in assessments.  We met with several assessment companies and for us it was very clear which company would be the best partner to develop the new Maxwell Leadership Assessment… RightPath.

RightPath offers us a strong blend of the very best of the academic world as well as the business world all in one. With solid statistical and research validation behind all the tools, we gain the best of the Industrial Organizational Psychology and Psychometric academic world.

We appreciated RightPath’s vision in crafting The Maxwell Leadership Assessment for ease of understanding, ease of use and, most importantly, practical application for leaders. In our tests and trial marketing, our clients loved the RightPath tools better than any others on the market.

We also liked that RightPath tools had replaced competing tools like Myers Briggs (MBTI), Birkman and DISC and were used at major companies like Southern Company, Clorox, Regions Bank, Scripps Institute, Weather Channel, the US Olympic Committee, 4 NFL teams’ leadership and many others.

Through the development of The Maxwell Leadership Assessment, I’ve had the opportunity to take the assessment and receive feedback on my leadership.  What I’ve learned through the assessment process has been invaluable.

There are 3 things in particular that stood out to me: 

  • There are areas of my leadership where I have been affirmed. 
  • There are areas of my leadership where I knew improvement was necessary and the feedback validated that and has motivated me to improve.
  • There are areas that were blind spots and the assessment revealed those blind spots to me.

After taking The Maxwell Leadership Assessment, I believe that every leader should take some type of 360° assessment annually to see growth and progress in their leadership as well as areas that they can still improve.  I highly recommend The Maxwell Leadership Assessment to anyone looking to grow their leadership. While there are many great tools on the market that can be used in tandem, the most important thing is that you get feedback from the people that are influenced by your leadership.

So what makes The Maxwell Leadership Assessment unique? 

Some of the features include:

  • Measurements on 64 leadership attributes
  • Unlimited number of raters
  • Feedback compiled into a full-color, easy-to-read report
  • Leadership attributes summary at the end of the report that lists all items ranked from highest to lowest based on overall average score
  • Written comments provided by your raters listed in an unedited form
  • Category scores in the areas of Position, Permission, Production, People Development, and Pinnacle from The 5 Levels of Leadership

It is with great pleasure and confidence that I’m pleased to introduce you to and offer you our new, cutting-edge Maxwell Leadership Assessment. I sincerely believe this tool will elevate your leadership and help you achieve your passion of developing others. CLICK HERE to see this new product!

Let us know! If you choose to take The Maxwell Leadership Assessment, we’d love to hear from you! Share your experience with us by commenting below or on Twitter or on Facebook.

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