Four Signs of a Leader of Hope
On my podcast this week, I shared something with Mark Cole and our listeners that I don’t often share publicly. As I look around at our world today, there’s a certain feeling that comes over me, one that I don’t experience often, and I can’t help but bring it to you as we talk about…
Read MoreMister Rogers: Leadership with Lasting Impact
What do you think of when you hear the word, “neighbor”? Depending on your age, you’re likely to think of Fred Rogers. Or, more accurately, Mister Rogers. That’s because Mister Rogers is one of the most iconic television personalities in American history. A mild-mannered Pennsylvania man with a passion for encouraging children, Mister Rogers became…
Read MoreFive Steps for Connecting with Others
I usually start a blog with a story or some sort of introductory idea to get your brain moving in the right direction. But I’m not doing that with this post. Instead, I want to jump right in and give you five steps for connecting with others. Connection is a critical part of leadership, because…
Read MoreDon Yaeger: 4 Characteristics of a Great Mentor
Don Yaeger is a dear friend of mine. He’s joined me onstage for Live2Lead, Executive Circle, and together we produced The Mentor’s Guide to Building a Championship Team. His knowledge of sports is legendary, but his insight into the leadership lessons sports contains is greater. This week, I’ve asked Don to write a guest post…
Read MoreMark Cole: How to Grow Your Influence
If your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. My good friend Tim Elmore shared an amazing statistic with me several years ago that I’ve never forgotten. Sociologists tell us that even the most introverted individual will influence 10,000 people during his or her lifetime. Everyone influences someone! That means the question we…
Read MoreTaking Your Leadership Out of the Office
Over the past few weeks, I’ve written to you about the concepts of leading up, leading across, and leading down. I hope you’ll explore the whole series, if you haven’t already. All of these ideas are explored in my book The 360° Leader, and I’ve been blown away by so many of the comments left…
Read MoreThe Limits of a One-Man Show
“John, we have a problem.” As a leader, you get used to hearing those words. Challenges are a daily part of leadership. However, when this time when I heard them, I felt my stomach drop. I was young and had just left the church in Hillham, my first position as a leader. I had moved…
Read MoreWhat do you do when your dream is bigger than you?
Last week I talked to you about rewriting your story into one of significance. You may have been thinking more about how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Today I want to encourage you to think big: How can you partner with like-valued people to make a bigger difference than you…
Read MoreA Legacy We Can All Achieve
What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Here in the United States, Father’s Day is almost here. And at this time of year, there’s always a lot of talk about the kind of legacy a father should leave for his children. But I believe the subject of legacy should apply to more than…
Read MoreLeadership Lessons from Ruth
Last week, I shared an excerpt from my newest book, Wisdom from Women in the Bible. I’m so excited about this book, because it represents my heart for the Biblical principles of leadership. The excerpt was from the story of Ruth, a courageous and caring woman who made decisions that changed her life and the…
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