how do you help kids turn a loss into a win?
If you’re a grandparent, what do your grandkids call you? It seems like that’s one of the first decisions that people make when expecting their first grandchild: What do we want to be called? In our case, Margaret knew right away that she wanted to be called Mimi. But I wasn’t sure about what I wanted them to call me. After a little discussion, we settled on Papa. And ever since 2000, when our oldest granddaughter was born, we’ve been Mimi and Papa.
Now, nearly 16 years and four more grandangels later, I’m welcoming something new into the world, and I’m so excited. Just last week, we celebrated the publication of my first picture book!
Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn for Kids is about two children who learn some important lessons about winning and losing from their grandfather, whom they call – you guessed it – Papa! Writing a picture book was a new adventure for me, but it was a lot of fun to think of my own grandangels and create an entertaining book for kids, with practical and encouraging lessons about learning from failure.
We were also able to work with an amazing illustrator, Steve Bjorkman, and I think he did a wonderful job of creating a fun and engaging experience for young children.
Now, for a limited time, the John Maxwell Company is offering Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn for Kids for only $9.99! Plus, we’re offering a free downloadable activity kit and reading list of some of our favorite books for kids and teens.
I hope that children enjoy reading Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn for Kids as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I’m excited about the opportunity to speak truth to them about turning any loss into a win.