How can I add value to you? That’s the question I’ve asked myself before every post on this blog. What can I offer you, my reader? How can I serve you and help you achieve your goals?
I’ve been blogging here at John Maxwell on Leadership since 2009. In the past four years, I’ve tried every week to give you teaching and simple advice that you can apply to your daily life. I’ve written 215 posts, and the pages here have been viewed nearly 2 million times. Over 19,000 of you subscribe to my updates, either by email or RSS feed. And I’m grateful for every one of you and feel honored to get to share what I love with you on a weekly basis.

Earlier this year, we launched a blog on my main company site, It’s called Leadership Wired, and, like this blog, everything in it is designed to help you grow and develop your potential. (Leadership Wired actually predates John Maxwell on Leadership and, since it was first established as a monthly newsletter in 1996 – delivered back then by fax!) The new John Maxwell Company blog incorporates articles from me with in-depth interviews, case studies, and thought-provoking writing from others on my team.

So at the moment, I have two blogs. But because I want to make it easy for you to connect with me and the personal growth teaching offered by my organization, in June I’m going to consolidate these two blogs into one. Soon, this URL,, will point to the “one-stop” location of Leadership Wired. There, you’ll receive all the added-value teaching I’ve tried to provide here, with the addition of some wonderful new material from my team designed to make a difference in your life.

Since by midsummer, I’ll only be writing over at Leadership Wired, I’d love for you to sign up to receive those posts in your email inbox. That way we can stay connected and I can keep sharing what I’m learning with you. As a special thank-you for registering, my team would like to offer you a free download of one of my audio lessons. For more information, and to subscribe, please visit or click below:

LW Blog


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